“Lines Written on the Most Dreadful Fire That Broke Out in Chicago in America,” by Jeremiah Cronan

Lines Written on the Most Dreadful Fire that Broke Out in Chicago in America; Jeramiah Cronan, Broadside, 1871 (ichi-06191)

Jeremiah Cronan's "Lines Written on the Most Dreadful Fire That Broke Out in Chicago in America" appeared in a broadside published in Dublin. Unlike most of the fire literature, it expresses concern for Chicago's Irish population. The transcription here attempts to preserve the ragged typesetting of the original.

   You simpathising Christians I pray yon'l listen unto me 
While I relate that deadful state of th0usands in America 
The fearful fire that has broke out it leaves us in greif & pain 
For the loss of our dear Iri8h freinds alass will never see their home 

Ou tho 7 of October we'll remember it now & for evermore 
The dreadful fire that has broke out which causes's thousands fof to 
The rageing flameS with pains & screams f0r which we'll wecpboth 
     night & day 
Most dreadfui was their sufferings in Chi oca in America 

     It was a shocking sight to see those victims young & old 
ln frightful flames & torturous pains enough to make your blood 
     ran cold 
Molhers 8oas & Dauters in thousands they afoud did cry 
For n srcy & forgiveuess unto the Lord that rules on high 

When they were leaving Ireland & parting the h0me they land so 
Little did their relations think tht ehis sad news they were doom'd 
     to dear 
Their neibours friends & parents who often times for them did pray 
They are now consm'd in fire in Chfago all iu America 

Those wh0 eecaped this dreadful doom they claim our pity too 
To see tem runiug from the fire shouting alas what shall we do 
The Methe s with their childreu it was heartrendiag for to hear 
The screams ot them were terifying the hardest heart would shed a 

As they suffer d tbis mest au'nl death we hope their souls in heaveu 
     may dwell 
The paina & torture they went through I'm sure no mortal toug e n 
Thei loveing friends iu Ireland will weep for them for many a day, 
With brokeu hearts lamentiug their loes by fire in America 

Now there hos been a aoble c ll through the world every where 
T e raise us n subscriptioa 10r the surviveing sufferers there 
And in every part let each feeling he rt come foreward with their mite 
For to assist thoie poor distre s'd may God protect them day & night 

So aow to end those feeling lines I hope you all will lend your aid 
And freely extend your charity to those p0Dr suffering people God has 
And may you receive the reward that has been promised upon the 
     great a onuting day 
And for those poor Ch ristiaus tbat lost their lives let young and old 
     now for them pray